Is aimed at teams that work together all striving for the same reults, and they all have a part to play in achieving those results. It starts with The Five Behaviors® assessment, which measures how each team member is performing in the five areas: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. Powered by Everything DiSC®, a research-validated personality tool, this assessment helps team members identify their individual DiSC® style and discover how each style brings value to the team.
Personalised Profile
After taking the assessment, team members receive a personalised profile that deepens their understanding of self, their style, and others on their team. Teams will also learn how their specific team is performing in relation to the Five Behaviors® model. These findings will help the team better understand their dynamics and create action plans for areas of improvement.
Facilitated Training Solutions
We then offer a range of facilitated solutions from one-day to three-day in-person training sessions, to bite-sized virtual sessions facilitated by a trained Five Behaviors® expert. These sessions brings the personalised Team Development report insights to life through powerful breakout activities and group discussions that help the team translate the learnings into impactful everyday practices.